#76 – Digitalization on Steroids: How Canada Post is Rethinking its Operating Model to Delight the Modern-Day Customer with Charles Brewer

It’s no secret that the penetration of e-commerce has been amplified during the pandemic, with those who would traditionally shop in brick and mortar stores switching to online shopping. This has put a lot of pressure on 3PLs and postal companies to fulfil higher levels of demand with ill-equipped infrastructure, changing consumer needs, and a reduced workforce to make the deliveries. In this high-energy episode, Charles Brewer, Chief Operating Officer of Canada Post shares with us how the penetration of e-commerce during Covid-19 and infrastructure constraints have affected Canada Post’s operations and customer-centricity efforts, and what the future holds for the provision of logistics.


About The Speaker

As Canada Post’s Chief Operating Officer, Charles Brewer leads all operational aspects of Canada Post’s business, including plants, delivery, engineering, network, and real estate. Charles holds an Advanced Logistics diploma from Cranfield University School of Management and has completed the Advanced Senior Executive Management Program at Henley Business School, both in the United Kingdom. He has over 30 years of industry experience and has held senior leadership roles in Europe, the Asia-Pacific, the Middle East, Africa, and the United States. Before moving to Canada Post in 2020, Charles had devoted 30+ years to DHL, working through the ranks from Customer Service Agent to Global CEO of DHL eCommerce. Charles’ specialisms include e-commerce logistics, cross-border, fulfilment, first and last-mile delivery, supply chain management, business, and digital transformation.


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