#65 – Thriving Through Crisis: What’s Next in Supply Chain? with Yossi Sheffi

In this episode, we host Yossi Sheffi, MIT Professor and Director of the MIT Center for Transportation and Logistics (CTL), to discuss his latest book: “The New (Ab)Normal.” Defined as a must-read for Supply Chain Executives, we explore where the desire for writing this book came from and the advice that leaders can gain from it. What does the future of supply chain look like, and what are the significant trends that will characterize a now irreversibly-changed reality? 



About the speaker

Dr. Yossi Sheffi is Elisha Gray II Professor of Engineering Systems and Director of the MIT CTL. He is an expert in supply chain management and is the author of five award-winning books. He published his sixth and latest book, ‘The New (Ab)Normal,’ in October 2020. Under his leadership, MIT CTL has launched many educational, research, and industry/government outreach programs, including the MIT SCALE network involving six academic centers worldwide. In 2016, MIT CTL launched the online supply chain management MicroMasters program, reaching more than 350,000 learners worldwide.


Future Insights Network is a future-focused, insights driven, learning network for senior supply chain leaders and their teams.  We help senior leaders to develop supply chain strategies for the future.