
#39 – Supply Chain Leadership and the road ahead with Wayne Rothman

In this episode, we speak with Wayne Rothman, VP Partnerships & External Supply Janssen Pharmaceuticals at Johnson & Johnson about the role of the Supply Chain leader over the years and what the outlook is for the new normal. Wayne talks to us about “Digital Dexterity”, building effective teams and how to create the right environment for a successful Digital Transformation project.


#38 – Digital Transformation is a must with Stephan de Barse

In this episode of FIN: TV we speak with Stephan de Barse, EVP of o9 Solutions, and discuss the practical steps for Digital Transformation in the age of Covid. We speak about scaleable change that can transform your Supply Chain to operate in an unpredictable world.


#37 – The Supply Chain Leader of the Future with Neil Ackerman

During this episode, we hear from Neil Ackerman, Global Head Advanced Supply Chain Technology, Middle East, and Africa from Johnson & Johnson about the changing landscape of Supply Chain management and the role of the Supply Chain leader. Complexity and unpredictability are the order of the day and the Supply Chain leader has the opportunity to emerge as one of the most important people within their organization. We also discuss the value of demand sensing and why companies need to embrace this technology now.


#36 – The Collaborative Supply Chain with Michael Hugos

In this episode, we speak with Author and Founder of SCM Globe, Michael Hugos, about the perfect synergy between people and technology in using data to make better decisions. Michael’s sometimes controversial views challenge our thinking around the use of technology in the Supply Chain function. We discuss how to create the collaborative Supply Chain of the future. 

SCM Globe provides Supply Chain management simulation technology that is engaging, educational, and entertaining. If you would like to find out more, click here


#35 – Demand Forecast Accuracy and Visibility with Roddy Martin

In this episode, Roddy Martin, Digital Strategy Leader at Tracelink, talks about the importance of Demand Forecast accuracy in helping organisations build a resilient Supply Chain. Roddy gives us essential tips for leaders in developing a path to gaining true visibility and delivering value to their clients. This is the only way to survive and thrive in a VUCA world.


#34 – Leadership in the age of uncertainty with Declan Supple

In this episode, Declan Supple, Former VP Global Supply Chain of Stada talks to us about the challenges and opportunities facing Supply Chain leaders today. We explore the way the role has evolved over the years and what is in store for the post-COVID future. 


#33 – The case for “Reverse Logistics” with Adrian Hernandez

Adrian Hernandez, Founder, and CEO of Simplicity Works joins us to talk about his company’s use of 3D Bonding technology to disrupt the shoe manufacturing industry. In this episode, we look at the opportunities in the manufacturing and Supply Chain industries in the post-COVID world.


#32 – Manufacturing Continuity through crisis with Sergio Gamboa

In this episode, we speak with Sergio Gamboa, Associate Director, Global Business Process Improvement at Ansell, about the risks, challenges, and opportunities of manufacturing during COVID-19. We discuss the importance of looking at existing and past management philosophies like Lean and Six Sigma, as well as new ways of working, in order to quickly adapt to our new normal.


#31 – Advanced Planning through complexity with Cihan Muderrisoglu

In this episode, we speak with Cihan Muderrisoglu, Global Operations Planning and Development Director for Danone about the unintended opportunities of the current crisis. We discuss the future of e-commerce and how advanced planning plays a critical role in a business’ ability to overcome crisis and complexity.


#30 – The importance of the Supply Chain function with Hank Ackerman

In today’s episode, we sit down with Hank Ackerman, former VP Global Supply Chain at Prince International Corporation to talk about the importance of the Supply Chain leader coming to the forefront of business. We talked about the opportunities that crises can present to Supply Chain professionals in evolving their business models and creating a resilient, agile and adaptable business.